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How a previous marriage can affect a new one

It can take time to cope with divorce and move forward. However, most people eventually start new relationships. When one of these relationships gets serious, remarriage could be the next step. If you are currently thinking about remarrying, your ex may be the…

What will happen to your pets in your divorce?

A divorce does not just affect the two parties ending a marriage. Numerous people are affected by others' splits, including the couple's children, in-laws, and close friends. And don't forget the furry, feathered companions. When owners split up, they must decide what will…

Expensive mistakes to avoid in your divorce

There are numerous financial components of a divorce, from having to sell a house to paying child support. These can be unavoidable. However, there are some choices people make that result in unnecessary spending and financial loss. Minimizing these missteps can help parties…

How COVID-19 could affect your divorce

Various sources have reported an anticipated increase in divorces stemming from COVID-19. Stay-at-home orders force couples to spend all day every day together, creating or exacerbating tension; people are struggling with job loss; parents are overwhelmed with having kids at home instead of…

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